Kilpisjärvellä wins in Edith-Russ-Haus Awards for Emerging Media Artists 2014

Kilpisjärvellä, a fulldome film directed by Axel Straschnoy and produced by Bufo, has been presented a Edith-Russ-Haus Award for Emerging Media Artists 2014. The film receives a prize money of 3000 euros as well as participation in the forthcoming Ehdit-Russ-Haus Media Art exhibition opening on September 18th in Oldenburg, Germany.

The jury stated that “Kilpisjärvellä won over the jury with the complexity, unconventional narrativity, and poetry with which it approaches and fathoms a natural phenomenon—the aurora borealis or northern lights—with artistic means.”

Screenings of the film will be organised in science center Heureka on 24th April and 8th and 15th of May at 6.30pm. Free admission.

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