Original Title: Kaksi ruumista rannalla
Directed by : Anna Paavilainen
Length: 20min
Genre: Drama
Year of Production: 2019
Production country: Finland
Starring: Laura Birn, Rea Mauranen, Lauri Maijala, Tommi Korpela
Written by: Anna Paavilainen, Laura Birn
Director of Photography: Jarmo Kiuru
Production Design: Heini Erwing
Costume Design: Tiina Kaukanen
Make-up Design: Pia Mikkonen
Editing: Tuuli Alanärä
Sound Design: Karri Niinivaara
Composer: Kasperi Laine
Produced by: Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff / Bufo
A woman wakes up on a beach tied in a plastic press wearing only underwear and high heels. “Not again”, she sighs and decides to track down the enemy and strike back. She gets a companion from an older woman, who has been pushed to the borders of society.
During their journey through classical cinematic landscapes these nameless women from different generations struggle to connect and understand each other’s perspectives while their passion for men and male attention gets in away.
Työpajankatu 2 A R1 D, 00580 Helsinki, Finland
VAT no. FI20957547